De-Escalating Confrontations Over Masks


The COVID-19 pandemic has businesses dealing with a patchwork of mask-wearing policies. For a variety of reasons, some customers refuse to wear masks, resulting in difficult transactions for public-facing workers.

This course will prepare you to deal with mask-refusing customers by teaching core principles and strategies to employ during difficult situations.

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain why companies have mask policies in place
  • Outline situations where customers should be allowed into your business without wearing masks
  • Describe the steps your company can take to address customers’ objections
  • Recall the techniques for encouraging compliance with your company’s mask policy
  • Summarize the methods for de-escalating a confrontation with an angry mask-refusing customer and bring about a positive outcome

Target Audience

  • Private Security
  • Price



    1 hour

    Content Provider


